New comment by 0x5c on void-packages repository Comment: > The package is named `systemd-boot-efistub`. For me, this implies that the package only includes the EFI stub out of the entire systemd-boot suite. This isn't much relevant anymore since this PR got updated anyways, but there would not have been any snags post merge had it not been. The only thing that can't be renamed (easily) is a built package. Where that package comes from (template of the same name, subpackage in a different template, something else outside xbps-src, etc) has no effect. So going from a template named `systemd-boot-efistub` (that builds and packages the stub and related files) to a `systemd-boot` template (that builds and packages `systemd-boot` and subpackages the stub as `systemd-boot-efistub`) does not incur a special cost and doesn't cause a package to be renamed. Once the packages are built the only difference is the existence of `systemd-boot`; the stub package remains the same.