New comment by Chocimier on void-packages repository Comment: Cześć, That's expected but can be changed with 16 series. Postgresql 9.6 occupied /usr/bin/psql and was removed only a year ago. While it was still in repo, newer series were installed in /usr/lib, as xbps can't yet transactionally replace executable with an alternative. In order for new series to be accessible, profile scripts adding them to PATH exist. Shadowing of newer series by older ones is a mistake, but not too bad. This setup is still in place to give people time to pull in now-meta postgresql package. As 16 will enter repos well over a year after removal of 9.6, it will be good time to introduce alternatives. For server, separate services are in place, so this is not a problem. Another question is why do you want to switch client (continuously, afaiu?), when other options are to remove old package and relogin; call by absolute path; or manipulate PATH in shell rc file?