New review comment by Eloitor on void-packages repository Comment: I'm not sure, I tried it and added `xvfb-run` in the checkdepends but it didn't work: ``` => pdfarranger-1.9.2_1: running do_check ... ============================= test session starts ============================== platform linux -- Python 3.11.2, pytest-7.2.1, pluggy-1.0.0 rootdir: /builddir/pdfarranger-1.9.2 collected 0 items ============================ no tests ran in 0.03s ============================= => ERROR: pdfarranger-1.9.2_1: do_check: 'PYTHONPATH="$(cd build/lib* && pwd)" ${make_check_pre} python3 -m pytest ${testjobs} ${make_check_args} ${make_check_target}' exited with 5 => ERROR: in do_check() at common/build-style/ ```