There's a closed pull request on the void-packages repository [ci skip] revbumps for including Rust dependency metadata using cargo-auditable Description: #### Testing the changes - I tested the changes in this PR: **briefly** I have built a few of these packages, but not all. @paper42 has though. This PR has revbumps for (nearly) all packages that haven't been changed since the change to the build style that includes metadata on all `build_style=cargo` packages by default. There are three packages that don't get a revbump here, because they have active PRs open that will likely be merged soon: - - - (blocked on @Shnatsel, you mentioned in that we should let you know when we're rebuilding the remainder of our packages, so that allĀ¹ of our rust packages are shipped with dependency metadata embedded. That is being tackled now with this PR :) A few more things got split out due to the `--locked` build style change: - has now gotten nearly a dozen fixes that previously were in here as revbumps - -, although this isn't working yet, and will probably just stay as one of the non-auditable exceptions for the time being.