New comment by Clos3y on void-packages repository Comment: > you need to check if there's a matching rule for sudo/doas too, see what xtools does for some things Taking this from `xi` ``` which_sudo() { if [ "$(id -u)" = "0" ]; then return elif command -v sudo >/dev/null && sudo -l | grep -q -e ' ALL$' -e xbps-install; then echo sudo elif command -v doas >/dev/null && [ -f /etc/doas.conf ]; then echo doas else echo su fi } ``` putting it into the header of `xbps-src`, and changing `xbps-src:1003` to `XBPS_SUCMD="$(which_sudo) sh -c" bulk_update` works. Seems to be the only place `XBPS_SUCMD` is used too at the moment.