New comment by damianoognissanti on void-packages repository Comment: What is the benefit of this in comparison to just use the binary from the webpage? I created a simple template (locally just for testing) with ``` # Template file for 'julia-bin' pkgname=julia-bin version=1.9.0 revision=1 only_for_archs="x86_64" short_desc="High-level, high-performance dynamic language for technical computing" maintainer="Damiano Ognissanti " hostmakedepends="tar gzip" license="MIT License" homepage="" distfiles="${version:0:3}/julia-${version}-linux-x86_64.tar.gz" checksum=00c614466ef9809c2eb23480e38d196a2c577fff2730c4f83d135b913d473359 nostrip=yes do_install() { mkdir -p ${DESTDIR}/opt/ mkdir -p ${DESTDIR}/usr/bin/ tar xf ${XBPS_SRCDISTDIR}/${pkgname}-${version}/julia-${version}-linux-x86_64.tar.gz -C ${DESTDIR}/opt/ ln -s /opt/julia-${version}/bin/julia ${DESTDIR}/usr/bin/julia } ``` and it works. One could add `` for musl compatibility.