There is an updated pull request by ahesford against master on the void-packages repository pep517 build-style/python3-pep517: use a generic glob for wheels We replace the current glob of `"dist/${wheelbase//-/_}-${version}-*-*-*.whl"` for a much simpler `dist/*.whl`. The former is inconvenient since `wheelbase="${pkgname#python3-}"` is most of the time correct but often not, and fixing that in a different way seems more complicated than this solution. Since we only run `python -m build` once, we should have only one wheel, so trying to be more specific doesn't seem useful. Nevertheless, this can still be overriden via `make_install_target` as before but hopefully it won't ever be necessary. Note that several packages that currently need to set `make_install_target` for this purposes will now work out of the box. If this is accepted I can have a look at those pkgs and clean up the override once it's no longer necessary. #### Testing the changes - I tested the changes in this PR: **YES** I built all 150 packages that use pep517 as obtained by: ``` $ git grep -l style=.*pep517 srcpkgs/ | cut -d/ -f2 | wc -l 150 ``` All of them succeed except for two that fail for unrelated reasons (`python3-xcffib` and `synapse`). I also included a minor unrelated change: do not compile bytecode in `do_install()` since it will be removed in `post_install()`. CC: @ahesford @icp1994 A patch file from is attached