New review comment by ahesford on void-packages repository Comment: I just ran into the reason for the cleanup: attempting to re-run a check after a failure will cause `python3 -m installer` to fail unless the test directory is clean. Still, I think the idea of purging a (typically nonexistent) directory just to avoid issues with re-running tests is strange. At this point, I guess I'd rather see ```sh local testdir="${wrksrc}/.xbps-testdir/$(date +s)" ``` and skip cleanup altogether. This should solve the problem of `pytest` trying to traverse into `tmp` without requiring a manual exclude, keeps our tests in a more-likely-unique subdirectory that should not conflict with any package contents, and avoid strange pre-clean steps. As a bonus, if you *do* run multiple tests to correct a failure, you can always do something like ```sh diff -r .xbps-testdir/ .xbps-testdir/ ``` after the fact to confirm what, if anything, has changed in the installed wheel.