New comment by Duncaen on void-packages repository Comment: > Why the "electron" label with a sick emoji? Are Electron apps banned from Void? They are usually not easily packagable, most PRs that never get merged for electron apps just repackage binaries for x86_64+glibc, which is not acceptable for multiple reasons. Rerpacking binaries for open source software is bad practice and especially bad for things like electron which has a ton of dependencies, that would potentially lock our repository to a specific version that we can't update until the binaries are rebuild by upstream. Getting electron packages to work with the system electron packages we have requires some work and the people mostly interested in electron packages are generally more concerned about using a program than packaging and maintaining it. The emoji has a longer history, it was added before we had packaged system wide electron packages, which would either require to package the binaries or compile an electron app for 8+ hours from source, which is not feasible.