New comment by CtrlC-Root on void-packages repository Comment: I have run into this as well and here's my understanding of the situation. If the `cross-arm-none-eabi-gdb` and `gdb-common` packages have matching versions then the former will use the Python libraries shipped with the latter at `/usr/share/gdb/python/`. However at the moment on Void Linux the former is 12.X and the latter is 13.X which apparently are incompatible hence the errors above. This prevents you from using most of the Python-based GDB tools with the `cross-arm-none-eabi-gdb` package (ex. [gef]( I'm not sure the best way to fix this but off the top of my head: * Build the GDB 12 Python libraries, install them at a separate path than the default, and point GDB to them explicitly using configuration settings. * Update `cross-arm-none-eabi-gdb` to the same major version as `gdb-common` and `gdb`. Now they can both use the same Python libraries.