New comment by JamiKettunen on void-packages repository Comment: This will break most possible chroot actions at least from `x86_64` hosts via `qemu-aarch64-static` specifically on musl Void root filesystems, some patches introduced in musl 1.2.x (with one being import and defaulting to `mallocng` which is over 1k lines of added code in total) seem to help with this as with #43106 installed on the target makes QEMU at least not segfault anymore when running even `/bin/ls`. We discussed this a bit more on `#xbps` already yesterday with @Duncaen and about the possibility of bringing modern musl version for 64-bit targets and leaving `armv{6,7}-musl` with the 1.1 legacy version since upgrading those in particular will be more work due to `time_t` ABI breakages in 1.2 for 32-bit targets requiring pretty much rebuilding all packages.