Closed issue by thetredev on void-packages repository Description: When the `open-iscsi` package is installed on Arch Linux, a systemd service is created which essentially calls `/usr/bin/iscsid -f` when started: ```shell $ cat /etc/systemd/system/ [Unit] Description=Open-iSCSI Documentation=man:iscsid(8) man:iscsiuio(8) man:iscsiadm(8) DefaultDependencies=no iscsiuio.service iscsi-init.service Requires=iscsi-init.service [Service] Type=notify NotifyAccess=main ExecStart=/usr/bin/iscsid -f <----- KillMode=mixed Restart=on-failure [Install] Also=iscsid.socket ``` I wanted to run Void as a server for testing purposes and I need `iscsid` to run on there. I've created the following service file as a first: ```shell $ cat /etc/sv/iscsid/run #!/bin/sh [ -r conf ] && . ./conf exec iscsid -f $ sv status /var/service/iscsid run: /var/service/iscsid: (pid 825) 311s ``` `iscsiuio` doesn't start for me for some reason, but `iscsid` is happy as far as I can tell. I'm quite sure that `iscsi-init.service` is NOT needed, since that only creates a `/etc/iscsi/initiatorname.iscsi` file which either the XBPS package installation or `iscsid` already does (it was already present after I started `iscsid` manually when testing). My question/request: Do we need that service? If so, is my `/etc/sv/iscsid/run` enough? :) Thank you!