New comment by JamiKettunen on void-packages repository Comment: @nvkomimi The crappy solution I've been using for a while now is using the [.NET 6.0 runtime binaries from M$]( extracted at `/opt/dotnet-runtime`, configured as the default runtime with `mkdir /etc/dotnet && echo /opt/dotnet-runtime > /etc/dotnet/install_location` and similarly using the [OTD binaries (.tar.gz)]( extracted at `/opt/OpenTabletDriver` with a setup like: ``` ==> /home/user/.local/share/applications/OpenTabletDriver.UX.Gtk.desktop <== [Desktop Entry] Type=Application Name=OpenTabletDriver Exec=otd ==> /usr/local/bin/otd <== #!/bin/sh if ! pgrep -x OpenTabletDriver.Daemon; then /opt/OpenTabletDriver/OpenTabletDriver.Daemon & fi /opt/OpenTabletDriver/OpenTabletDriver.UX.Gtk ``` Works but really not great by any means...