New comment by Anachron on void-packages repository Comment: This is my env: ```sh ... BASH_FUNC_cdw%%=() { w=$(which "${1}" 2> /dev/null); if test -z "${w}"; then printf 'Error: %s could not be found.\n' "${1}" 2>&1; return 1; fi; cd $(dirname "${w}") } BASH_FUNC_welcome_prompt_handle%%=() { clear; . ~/etc/sh/colors; . /etc/os-release; printf "\n Welcome to ${abl}%s${ars}, ${abl}%s${ars}.\n" "${NAME}" "${USER}" } BASH_FUNC_filew%%=() { w=$(which "${1}" 2> /dev/null); if test -z "${w}"; then printf 'Error: %s could not be found.\n' "${1}" 2>&1; return 1; fi; file "${w}" } ... ``` Maybe we should use `compgen -v` here instead.