New comment by nezos on void-packages repository Comment: I was not monitoring the thread, so I moved independently. In case they help I attach my templates and a patch I did for resolving grass not found (it's hardlinked!): [libpdal.txt]( [libgeotiff.txt]( [libgdal.txt]( [grass.txt]( [qgis.txt]( [FindGRASS.patch.txt]( The problem with grass that it compiles well with qgis but when I try to install qgis it cannot find the grass shared libraries. The reason is that in the grass project, they name libraries as and in voidlinux they need to be .so.VERSION . I couldn't find a solution as many makefiles need to be patched and this would complicate things alot. If you have a grass package that provides shlibs then you have the solution! For the LTR I don't know how useful it is, especially considering that each new version usually changes something at the project files created by the user... I also noticed on a forum that updating wxPython4 to the latest version would make the GUI of grass work but I haven't tried it.