New comment by cinerea0 on void-packages repository Comment: I had to add `gwenhywfar-devel` to hostmakedepends because it contains `/usr/bin/gwenhywfar-config`. Personally I think it should stay in there based on its usage information: ``` Usage: /usr/sbin/gwenhywfar-config --includes gives you the include flags /usr/sbin/gwenhywfar-config --libraries gives you the library flags /usr/sbin/gwenhywfar-config --bindir returns the folder for binary tools /usr/sbin/gwenhywfar-config --headers gives you the location of the header files /usr/sbin/gwenhywfar-config --vmajor gives the major version of LibGwenhywfar /usr/sbin/gwenhywfar-config --vminor gives the minor version of LibGwenhywfar /usr/sbin/gwenhywfar-config --vpatchlevel gives the patchlevel of LibGwenhywfar /usr/sbin/gwenhywfar-config --vbuild gives the build number of LibGwenhywfar /usr/sbin/gwenhywfar-config --vtag gives the tag of LibGwenhywfar (cvs, beta or stable) /usr/sbin/gwenhywfar-config --vstring returns a version string ```