New comment by r-ricci on void-packages repository Comment: > Does `ZFS 2.1.12` build against the same kernel? No, it doesn't. The log is almost identical. > Looks like this is a reiteration of [openzfs/zfs#14555]( . I don't see any real closure to that issue. I think there are at least two possible workarounds that a) don't require changes to the kernel at all and b) don't require heavy patching of zfs. I briefly tested them and they both allow zfs to compile and install (but I didn't test at run-time yet). 1. Patch out neon stuff. [Chimera already does this]( for other reasons. 2. Tell zfs to lie about its license, by doing [this]( The first approach may reduce the performance (but I didn't measure). The second approach may lead to legal issues. We don't care about redistributing binaries because they are built on the user's machine with dkms. But I don't know whether this change would allow to redistribute the sources or not.