New comment by MeganerdNL on void-packages repository Comment: @classabbyamp Ready for review again. - Regarding these lines in _template_: ``` if [ "$XBPS_TARGET_NO_ATOMIC8" ]; then XBPS_CROSS_RUSTFLAGS+=" -latomic" makedepends+=" libatomic-devel" fi case "$XBPS_TARGET_MACHINE" in *-musl) makedepends+=" musl-devel libstdc++";; esac ``` You said it build fine with: > ./xbps-src -m masterdir-musl -a armv6l-musl pkg encrypted-dns But I cannot reproduce that on my machine. Also: I tried to remove both or one of the blocks _each_ and they always fail to compile in **Github on the musl-builds too**. So not only on my machine when cross-compiling. There are several other packages that need these blocks, or one of them. Let me know how to fix it otherwise, because I cannot make it work without these blocks. - As with the make_dirs remark: you were of course right. I had to change the order of _make_dirs_ and __homedir_ and then the mode (750) was correct after installing. - Made a files/README.voidlinux file instead of INSTALL.msg, although I think that the creation of a mandatory configfile that has an example is quite important. There are plenty of packages with far less important information in that file, but maybe that's something that slipped in in the past. Thanks.