There's a closed pull request on the void-packages repository mesa: update to version 23.1.5. Description: #### Testing the changes - I tested the changes in this PR: **NO(1)** (1) other people took care of the testing: see here, on the original [PR]( Hey guys, i hope every one is doing great. :smile: I'm making this PR to try and bring mesa v23.1.5 to void. Yet i'm aware that my previous PR is still opened, the reason is that i'm away from home (and thus, away from my usual tools i used for previous pr) for a long time, and i don't have the good conditions to do proper tests. So feel free to confirm if this PR works for you ! Anyways, a huge thanks to the guys who helped me (did all the work :laughing: ), you guys rock ! :heart: Have a great day lads, and take care. Best regards, Spid