New comment by GitMensch on void-packages repository Comment: Why is that auto-reconfigured? Apart from needing more tools (`automake gettext-devel-tools libtool` would not be necessary otherwise) this won't use the versions of the tools that were tested when doing the boostrap upstream, so there normally should be a good reason for that [some distros _always_ do that _for , but most don't]. There is a lot of output because of configure ending in "mixed" harding options. I'd suggest to explicit configure with either `--enable-hardening` (obviously making the binary a bit slower) or `--disable-hardening` to fix that, or configure with explicit specifying `CFLAGS=-O -g`. To ensure that the dependencies that are noted are indeed used it is useful to drop the "guessing" part in configure by making that explicit `--with-db --with-curses=ncursesw --with-json=json-c --with-xml2`. So you may want to add something like `configure_args="--disable-hardening --with-db --with-curses=ncursesw --with-json=json-c --with-xml2"` Note for `checkdepends`: only one of wget or curl is needed, the second one is preferred. Currently only `make test` is run for the test (which uses an external testsuite, therefore those curl). I'd suggest to do this with `make checkall` instead as this will first run the internal testsuite, then the external one. The cross-builds fail during "install", it looks like this is happening during "vmove" but as I don't know what they do for whatever reason and if they should work, I cannot comment on those.