New comment by dkwo on void-packages repository Comment: An option is to set this pr to draft and experiment with building from the master branch for a while. This onlly fails a couple of tests: ``` # Template file for 'dinit' pkgname=dinit version=0.17.0 revision=0 _commit=01d8a1c0d4ac2a266583050e4bdfd9d136223914 build_style=meson configure_args="-Ddinit-sbindir=/usr/bin -Dbuild-shutdown=disabled -Dunit-tests=true -Digr-tests=true" hostmakedepends="m4" checkdepends="libsanitizer-devel" short_desc="Service manager and init system" maintainer="Uli Baum " license="Apache-2.0" homepage="" changelog="" # distfiles="${version}.tar.gz" distfiles="$_commit.tar.gz" checksum=6015dd9da4f66d607cafc97892a674eb878cec87955c4d38bebbb7c92b99197c ```