There's a merged pull request on the void-packages repository qmk: depend on python3-pyserial Description: #### Testing the changes - I tested the changes in this PR: **YES** ``` # Context: have qmk-1.1.2_1 installed, plus all of its deps (woods) qmk_firmware » klardotsh/main » qmk compile -kb boardsource/unicorne -km default Could not find module pyserial! Would you like to install the required Python modules? [y/n] n Please run `/usr/bin/python3 -m pip install -r /home/j/src/mine/qmk_firmware/requirements.txt` to install required python dependencies. # Installed python3-pyserial in another window... (woods) qmk_firmware » klardotsh/main » qmk compile -kb boardsource/unicorne -km default Ψ Compiling keymap with make --jobs=1 boardsource/unicorne:default ... ```