There's a closed pull request on the void-packages repository python3-Cython: update to 3.0.1. Description: This is a big update that reflects several years of extensive work, and needs some testing to be sure it doesn't break any Void packages. #### Testing the changes - I tested the changes in this PR: **in progress** The following packages need to be fixed to build with new Cython: - [ ] gbinder-python - [ ] jack_mixer - [ ] libimobiledevice - [ ] memray - [ ] pyliblo - [x] python3-cypari2 - [x] python3-cysignals - [ ] python3-efl - [x] python3-fpylll - [ ] python3-grpcio - [ ] python3-h5py - [ ] python3-jq - [ ] python3-logbook - [x] python3-lxml - [ ] python3-mpi4py - [ ] python3-pandas-msgpack - [ ] python3-peewee - [x] python3-pplpy - [ ] python3-pyFFTW - [ ] python3-pygame - [x] python3-scikit-learn - [x] python3-scipy - [ ] python3-shapely - [ ] python3-tables - [ ] python3-uvloop - [x] python3-yaml - [ ] sagemath - [ ] urh - [ ] vapoursynth - [ ] vidcutter