New comment by Jipok on void-packages repository Comment: Well, for those who, like me, want to build, I will leave a hint just in case. I warn you that this will take a lot of time (a day) and require a lot of vram+swap(up to 60GB) ``` sudo xbps-install -Su git clone rocm cd rocm git checkout rocm git remote add upstream git rebase upstream/master git fetch upstream/master ./xbps-src binary-bootstrap # REMOVE the '~' (tilde) from the GPU architecture(s) you wish to build for echo "XBPS_PKG_OPTIONS=~gfx803,~gfx900,~gfx906,~gfx908,~gfx90a,~gfx1010,~gfx1011,~gfx1012,~gfx1030,~gfx1031,~gfx1100,~gfx1101,~gfx1102" >> etc/conf ./xbps-src pkg HIP-sdk ```