New comment by Duncaen on void-packages repository Comment: You are painting a negative picture of how bad maintainers have been. Your issue is that in two instances packages have been removed from the repository. In one instance the packages were later added back because, there was not enough communication between maintainers and contributors and while most of them either agreed with the removal or abstained from it, some stepped up and took over maintenance. This could have been done better by tagging all contributors and maintainers of the relevant packages. For the minecraft launcher, I don't see any issue at all. The maintainers treated you right and did nothing wrong. They explained why the package was removed and suggested or agreed that an install message would have been good. There is no problem at all and I don't see how you can take this interaction and now turn it into some big issue that helps you to show a pattern of issues. I deleted my earlier response since it failed to address the whole picture. I don't think there is any issue that has not been addressed already and I definitely don't see a pattern of issues.