New comment by Duncaen on void-packages repository Comment: > It's awesome that some chatter in a non officially logged IRC chat can create a lot of chaos /s, the communication process failed and it wont be changed magically, this will not be the last time. Also this wonderful new precedent will be used in the future, like how a bad action was used to justify the crypto removal PR. Even if after the fact it was "accepted" that it wasn't good. I gave this one a heart because they provided an example [#44422 (comment)]( > > Also the claim in the PR opening comment is false, not all the PRs referenced where dead or tiny unimportant projects. #43702 #44133 I am so glad that was so well inspected before approval. /s Nothing is being justified, the communication process is appropriate for 99% of daily changes that are merged. This does not set any precedent, other than that yes changes like that should require more approval. > Any how thank you for insulting me directly, its so nice lol! Your doing a good job adding to the list of quality interactions with the void package maintainers /s Awesome another made up bad interaction you can fit your narrative. > So Void is a not a general purpose operating system and is instead a playpen for only the stuff a few people find interesting? Merging packages that are going to be build on void linux build servers and are in the official repository are merged at the void teams discretion. If they don't get actively maintained anymore, if they need rebuilds due to dependencies, they will fall back on people who are regular contributors. What a shocker, every single open source project and linux distribution works like that.