New comment by Yorizuka on void-packages repository Comment: To be transparent, this post was written with anger, I was attributing malice to your PR and was "reading in between the lines", that was wrong of me. > > Also the claim in the PR opening comment is false, not all the PRs referenced where dead or tiny unimportant projects. > > As the person who wrote the PR, what claim are you talking about, and where are they contained in the PR's text? Note that no edits were made to the PR I will attempt to explain my thoughts at that moment. I was viewing the entire PR from an adversarial prospective, I believed the PR never had attempted consensus and that the initial post was simply a cover story to remove stuff that was not liked. To my eyes the inital post was specifically crafted to be vague and hard to counter. I believed the `This has been discussed multiple times on IRC, and it seems the general consensus was towards removal` was written to create more credibility without anything backing the statement. To anyone who was not in the IRC at that point, there is no way verify. Also this created the question of how many people does it take to count as a "consensus". So discarding the IRC statement as unverifiable, there was no more text that could explain the justification for what was in my eyes a huge change. Then next was the change, The way it was worded made it look like a non reversible project wide change to kill all possible reverts. I interpreted the language as specifically crafted to shoot down all possible conversations, due to omitting words like "generally" signaling that no debate could be had. Lastly this PR was huge touching all crypto, usually most PR I have looked at touch a few packages. So that read to me as a attempt to do this quickly before people would notice. To be fair, you did call your branch `remove/cryptoshit` so honestly I still of you as an non neutral adversary & am skeptical of anything you say, but attributing pure malice is not a good approach.