New comment by vlur on void-packages repository Comment: Hi, since upgrading qutebrowser to v3.0, Invidious videos don't play in browser. Instead they throw the error "No compatible source found for this media". [qutebrowser issue #7185]( says this is due to the QtWebEngine binary not being built with proprietary codec support. Dev of qutebrowser The_Compiler [says]( >Looks like Void Linux [builds Qt 5]( with proprietary codec support, but [does not]( pass the same option for Qt 6. You might want to open an issue in their packaging repo for this, as it doesn't seem intentional. I am not OP in that thread, but I am experiencing the same error. I can open an issue if that is preferred but I thought it might be better to just give you a heads up since this is probably a simple fix.