Closed issue by Red1922 on void-packages repository Description: ### Is this a new report? Yes ### System Info Void 6.4.14_1 x86_64 GenuineIntel notuptodate rrrrmmnFFFFFFFFF ### Package(s) Affected rtl8812au-dkms-20210629_3 ### Does a report exist for this bug with the project's home (upstream) and/or another distro? ### Expected behaviour The packaged driver is either supposed to support both RTL8812AU and RTL8821AU chipsets or have a separate package for the latter. ### Actual behaviour The driver as it exists at the time being does not support the wifi adapter. I needed to install the driver present [here]( instead to support the wifi adapter. ### Steps to reproduce 1. `$ sudo xbps-install -S rtl8812au-dkms` 2. `$ sudo reboot` 3. `$ iwconfig` to check if interface shows up. 4. It does not show up. Nor does the wifi adapter LED blink.