There is an updated pull request by nsudsgaard against master on the void-packages repository master WIP: clamav: update to 1.2.0. - [x] Builds locally on x86_64-musl - [x] Builds locally on x86_64 - [ ] Builds locally on i686 - [x] Builds locally on aarch64-musl _crossbuild_ - [x] Builds locally on aarch64 _crossbuild_ - [ ] Builds locally on armv7l-musl _crossbuild_ - [ ] Builds locally on armv7l _crossbuild_ - [ ] Builds locally on armv6l-musl _crossbuild_ - [ ] Builds locally on armv6l _crossbuild_ - [ ] Test on x86_64-musl - [ ] Test on x86_64 - [ ] Cleanup/patch the configuration files - [ ] Add service files A patch file from is attached