New comment by nsudsgaard on void-packages repository Comment: > It looks like something went wrong here. Yeah... I suck at using Git/GitHub. :/ > With regard to which of the two PRs should remain open: I don't really care. I need clamav for work, and since the packaged clamav doesn't have a service at the moment, my primary goal was adding that an updating clamav while I'm at it. As long as that is done at some point, I don't have a strong preference otherwise. Implementing service files is something I want to get done in this update as well. However, I am currently struggling to put the configuration files into /etc/clamav instead of dumping them all into /etc (putting them in the directory is easy, getting xbps to recognize them is not). > I agree that combining the efforts into a single PR probably makes sense though. I already nuked my PR. I am considering just contributing to yours once I get the issue above resolved.