New comment by ahesford on void-packages repository Comment: I think the hook brings too much magic. Setting `$meson_crossfile` and having the file magically appear is not really intuitive, and hooks are also somewhat less discoverable than build styles and build helpers. It also makes it more difficult for users to write a custom `$meson_crossfile`, because the hook will clobber it. If there is an argument for putting this behavior in a hook rather than a build style, I think that 1. It ought to write somewhere like `$XBPS_WRAPPERDIR`, which is a good place for "automatic" XBPS stuff. 2. It ought to be controlled by an indepedent variable (which is my major argument for using the helper; you opt in by adding the meson helper, but you can fine-tune `$meson_crossfile` as desired). I seem to have working as expected but will do a more thorough test, and I've moved `python3-scipy` to this new mechanism over there (the dependencies for scipy complicate things quite a bit and don't really provide an advantage for `python3-pep517+meson` over `meson+python3`, but the helper should make your `contourpy` update no more complicated than it is with your hook approach. Comments on the merits of the competing approach are appreciated.