New comment by tornaria on void-packages repository Comment: > There are a bunch of failing tests: > > ``` > =========================== short test summary info ============================ > ERROR numpy/core/tests/ - RuntimeError: co... > ERROR numpy/core/tests/ - Ru... > ERROR numpy/core/tests/ - RuntimeE... > ERROR numpy/core/tests/ - RuntimeErr... > ERROR numpy/core/tests/ - RuntimeErro... > ERROR numpy/core/tests/[0] - RuntimeErro... > ERROR numpy/core/tests/[1] - RuntimeErro... > ERROR numpy/core/tests/[None] - RuntimeE... > ERROR numpy/core/tests/ - RuntimeError:... > 35354 passed, 1630 skipped, 33 xfailed, 1 xpassed, 9 errors in 94.76s (0:01:34) > ``` Fixed by adding `meson` to `checkdepends`. I'm now running sagemath testsuite.