There is an updated pull request by ahesford against master on the void-packages repository wxwidgets [WIP] wxWiwdgets, wxPython Our wxWidgets/wxPython stack is pretty old, and it may be more trouble to patch for Python 3.12 than just updating these packages. Thus I would like to: * Drop `pcsx2`, `perl-Alien-wxWidgets` and `dispcalGUI` (cc: @lemmi). The first two don't seem well-maintained, and all three rely on wxWidgets with GTK2 support that should be retired. `dispcalGUI` also requires the long-past-EOL Python 2. * With these three dependants gone, we can remove `wxWidgets` and `wxPython`. * This simplifies the update to `wxWidgets-gtk3` and (hopefully---I'm still working) `wxPython4`. * While we're at it, we can transition `wxPython4` back to its proper name, just `wxPython`. [ci skip] A patch file from is attached