New comment by ar-jan on void-packages repository Comment: Great, works for me! I don't use the grass gui myself either but it seems to work. For my understanding, where you're patching `` I'd tried to address this with ``` sh post_configure() { vsed -i grass.pc -e "s|/usr/lib/grass-$version|/usr/lib/grass$_binver|g" } ``` So that must've been the reason the libraries weren't found, is that expected not to work? (I did use shlib_provides etc.) Also wondering, what's the reason to move the symlinks in lib to the -devel package? (when the versioned .so files stay in the main package) For use with QGIS: would it make more sense to just use `/usr/lib/grass` as install location, instead of `/usr/lib/grass${_binver}`, so we don't have to hardcode the library version in the QGIS template? (It would be nice if we could do `-DGRASS_PREFIX8=$(pkg-config --variable=prefix grass)` but that isn't supported, could it be?).