New comment by classabbyamp on void-packages repository Comment: > where you're patching `` I'd tried to address this with yes, it's better to address it before configuration (during patch), and the vsed at that point is very long, so it works better as a patch > Also wondering, what's the reason to move the symlinks in lib to the -devel package? (when the versioned .so files stay in the main package) standard practice, but it's usually written like `vmove "usr/lib/*.so"`. this doesn't work when the libraries are versioned before the `.so` > would it make more sense to just use /usr/lib/grass as install location, instead of /usr/lib/grass${_binver}, so we don't have to hardcode the library version in the QGIS template? it might, but I see no way to do such thing in the build system without patching it (and potentially a bunch of places in code), which is more effort than I care to do > It would be nice if we could do -DGRASS_PREFIX8=$(pkg-config --variable=prefix grass) but that isn't supported, could it be? that won't work in `configure_args` because templates are evaluated before packages are available. you could, however, maybe do something like: ```bash pre_configure() { configure_args+=" -DGRASS_PREFIX8=$(...)" } ```