New comment by moabeat-berlin on void-packages repository Comment: On a clean install, dkms fails with the missing "bc" command (and package). Maybe we should add this as a dependency somewhere? Most probably to the "rpi-kernel-headers" package, as a successful `make prepare0` depends on it. [I mentioned this earlier]( And some other observation: `xbps-remove rpi-kernel-headers` leaves the generated files of `make prepare0` in `/usr/src/rpi-kernel-headers-6.1.54_1` behind. Maybe we would like to delete them on uninstall? Beside these findings, 400 and 02W (both musl) are working fine. Also building dkms modules works, e.g. with package "rtl8821cu-dkms". However, building "zfs" made the 02W unresponsive at some stage of the process. Maybe it's just too big for the machine to get it compiled with the small amount of RAM it has. Adding swap also did not fix it. Only other option I can think of would be to buid it with `-j2` instead of `-j$(nproc)` to reduce RAM consumption.