New comment by moabeat-berlin on void-packages repository Comment: Packages for "linux6.3" are also available now. The same files are also missing there. When they have been added, dkms seems to be working fine.
installing dkms package "ddcci-dkms" ``` # xbps-install ddcci-dkms Name Action Version New version Download size ddcci-dkms install - 0.4.3_1 22KB Size to download: 22KB Size required on disk: 82KB Space available on disk: 24GB Do you want to continue? [Y/n] [*] Downloading packages ddcci-dkms-0.4.3_1.aarch64-musl.xbps.sig2: 512B [avg rate: 4425KB/s] ddcci-dkms-0.4.3_1.aarch64-musl.xbps: 22KB [avg rate: 115MB/s] ddcci-dkms-0.4.3_1: verifying RSA signature... [*] Collecting package files ddcci-dkms-0.4.3_1: collecting files... [*] Unpacking packages ddcci-dkms-0.4.3_1: unpacking ... [*] Configuring unpacked packages ddcci-dkms-0.4.3_1: configuring ... Added DKMS module 'ddcci-0.4.3'. Prepare to build modules for kernel-6.1.54_1... done. Building DKMS module 'ddcci-0.4.3' for kernel-6.1.54_1... done. Installing DKMS module 'ddcci-0.4.3' for kernel-6.1.54_1... done. Skipping kernel-6.1.55_2. kernel-headers package not installed... Prepare to build modules for kernel-6.3.13_2... done. Building DKMS module 'ddcci-0.4.3' for kernel-6.3.13_2... done. Installing DKMS module 'ddcci-0.4.3' for kernel-6.3.13_2... done. ddcci-dkms-0.4.3_1: installed successfully. 1 downloaded, 1 installed, 0 updated, 1 configured, 0 removed. ```