New comment by moabeat-berlin on void-packages repository Comment: I have rebuilt the packages in this PR with the latest changes (aarch64 and aarch64-musl), source is still ``. I had to remove them also from `/var/cache/xbps/` to make sure it's not the old one installed from there. Testing dkms on "aarch64-musl" by installing "ddcci-dkms" was successful and it also respected the `/etc/default/dkms` jobs settings on the Raspberry Pi Zero 2W (using new the "xbps-triggers" package). However, installing "zfs" was still not possible (device unresponsive after some time). It did not respect the setting. It seems to use it's own mechanism of building the module and was running with `-j4` again. But I was not able to figure out yet how this exactly happens.
dkms ddcci-dkms install log ``` # xbps-install ddcci-dkms Name Action Version New version Download size ddcci-dkms install - 0.4.3_1 - Size required on disk: 82KB Space available on disk: 27GB Do you want to continue? [Y/n] [*] Verifying package integrity ddcci-dkms-0.4.3_1: verifying RSA signature... [*] Collecting package files ddcci-dkms-0.4.3_1: collecting files... [*] Unpacking packages ddcci-dkms-0.4.3_1: unpacking ... [*] Configuring unpacked packages ddcci-dkms-0.4.3_1: configuring ... Added DKMS module 'ddcci-0.4.3'. Prepare to build modules for kernel-6.1.54_1... done. Building DKMS module 'ddcci-0.4.3' for kernel-6.1.54_1... done. Installing DKMS module 'ddcci-0.4.3' for kernel-6.1.54_1... done. Prepare to build modules for kernel-6.1.55_2... done. Building DKMS module 'ddcci-0.4.3' for kernel-6.1.55_2... done. Installing DKMS module 'ddcci-0.4.3' for kernel-6.1.55_2... done. Prepare to build modules for kernel-6.3.13_2... done. Building DKMS module 'ddcci-0.4.3' for kernel-6.3.13_2... done. Installing DKMS module 'ddcci-0.4.3' for kernel-6.3.13_2... done. Prepare to build modules for kernel-6.5.5_2... done. Building DKMS module 'ddcci-0.4.3' for kernel-6.5.5_2... done. Installing DKMS module 'ddcci-0.4.3' for kernel-6.5.5_2... done. ddcci-dkms-0.4.3_1: installed successfully. 0 downloaded, 1 installed, 0 updated, 1 configured, 0 removed. ```
make processes during zfs install ``` #ps -Af | grep make root 2326 2325 13 20:13 pts/1 00:00:00 make modules -k -j4 CONFIG_MODULES=y CFLAGS_MODULE=-DCONFIG_MODULES -C /lib/modules/6.1.54_1/build M=/var/lib/dkms/zfs/2.1.12/build/build moabeat 2543 14729 0 20:13 pts/2 00:00:00 grep make ```
So, in general probably a success, beside "zfs" on the Zero 2W.