New comment by tornaria on void-packages repository Comment: > `./xbps-src pkg -o ecl maxima` builds fine on `x86_64`. Not sure I understand what you mean. The default for `x86_64` is ecl + sbcl. For `aarch64` the default is only ecl. The sbcl binary is faster, so when building ecl + sbcl the installer will set sbcl as the default. I.e., when you run just `maxima` you are running sbcl; if you run `maxima -l ecl` you are running ecl. The ecl binary we move to the `maxima-ecl` package, so if building only ecl maybe `maxima` won't work without the `maxima-ecl` package installed (can you check that? if so we can try to do something about it). OTOH, when you say "downgrading to 5.46.0 fixes the issue", does that mean that you rebuilt using 5.46.0, or that you used an old xbps file? If the latter, maybe the issue is not with maxima itself, but with some change in ecl which was recently updated. Maybe there is something wrong with ecl on aarch64? Can you try different combinations: - does the maxima 5.47.0 that is cross built (i.e. the one in the repos) work? - what if you rebuild ecl natively, then build maxima natively, does that change something? > on a side note, we carry matrixexp.patch (which sagemath does not, but they carry infodir.patch which we don't). I don't think the infodir.patch does anything outside windows. I believe we carry matrixexp.patch because its still a actual bug worth fixing. IIRC the sagemath crowd decided to workaround the bug in sage itself and thus dropped the patch (since most maxima available in distros have the bug).