New comment by namgo on void-packages repository Comment: I've gotten this installed in a fresh VM, bumping the version within xpbs-src from 2.9.4 to 2.11.2 for EmulationStation. After installing the updated version, the existing error still occurs. My instinct is that is an issue, the compilation process assumes that certain files in the user's home directory are already available. provides the paths that are checked. What's confusing to me is that it checks the bindir - they should be checking files outside of the bindir (/usr/bin/retropie -> /usr/share, no?). This appears to explain why it worked for the packager and not us. site-note: the patch void has looks like it's no longer necessary as the developers include `time.h` possibly making ctime no longer relevant - unless I misunderstand something. Edit: should address it. Unless I'm wrong, there's no good way to package this until EmulationStation's basedir assumptions conforms to a spec. Edit 2: `feranur` on irc suggested packaging the required files under `/usr/share/examples/emulationstation/`, which is probably our best bet at providing the necessary config/font files to the user. I'm not 100% clear on how to notify a user of this change at the package level other than `INSTALL.msg`, but it's a start.