New comment by dom0 on void-packages repository Comment: > Unfortunately, `python3-Levenshtein` is kind of a mess. Updating fully is ugly because it depends a new RapidFuzz package, and both of those depend on scikit-build, which 1) I suspect would require some hacking to work with our cross-compilation setup; and 2) the authors of scikit-build already seem to be deprecating it in favor of another variant. I considered patching the version we have to work around the Levenshtein problem, but that is a non-trivial patch that requires some thought about Python object lifetimes in C extensions. Because I don't actually use this software, I don't know anything about Levenshtein and am not sure what the right approach is there. Finally, I considered updating to a newer (but still outdated) Levenshtein, which uses Cython without CMake and scikit-build. The newer version probably avoids our issues, but still depends on RapidFuzz and may or may not require scikit-build anyway. I haven't looked very closely at this option. > > For now, a workaround seems to be shadoing the Levenshtein package in a virtual environment: > > ```shell > python3 -m venv --system-site-packages ${HOME}/ulauncher.venv > ${HOME}/ulauncher.venv/bin/pip install -U Levenshtein > ``` > > Whenever you want to run `ulauncher`, run it as > > ```shell > ${HOME}/ulauncher.venv/bin/python3 /usr/bin/ulauncher > ``` > > instead. This will at least bring up the program for me, but I can't test it any more thoroughly. You can, of course, put the venv anywhere you like. Thanks for the feedback and help. I tried the same workarounds before opening issue and in the end I opted to switch to wofi. "It's a Python Thing :)" For those who are looking for an alternative, below are the wofi options that I am using to have similar behavior (not feature complete) to ulauncher: `wofi -n -i --show drun --allow-images --allow-markup --matching=fuzzy`