New comment by balejk on void-packages repository Comment: I have written a template for this some time ago, feel free to use it: ``` # Template file for 'sstp-client' pkgname=sstp-client version=1.0.19 revision=1 build_style=gnu-configure configure_script=./ hostmakedepends="pkg-config autoconf automake libtool" makedepends="libevent-devel ppp-devel libtls-devel" short_desc="A client implementation of Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol (SSTP)" maintainer= license="GPL-3.0-or-later" homepage="" distfiles="${version}/sstp-client-${version}.tar.gz" checksum=e2652365f69f5037102e78f4e115ff764a390b27bb3fd513a8a50b10a61bb613 ``` However, I have been having some issues with the latest version (you can take a look at the project's issue tracker at Gitlab) so right now I'm running a git version. If you happen to run into the same problems, you can just change the template to use version 1.0.18 for now (don't forget to update the checksum), however please note that 1.0.18 requires a simple patch in order to be compilable on musl (see the project's git log, something like second commit after the 1.0.18 tag).