New comment by gc-user on void-packages repository Comment: Well, I wasn't quite sure if you were talking building my own xbps package or "just" re-configuring zbm, so I tried both. Same approaches (I tried several ways), no luck. I put the script into /stc/zfsbootmenu (& made sure it's executable) and the line zfsbootmenu_early_setup+=" /etc/zfsbootmenu/ " into A) /etc/zfsbootmenu/dracut.conf.d/zfsbootmenu.conf B) /etc/zfsbootmenu/release.conf.d/release.conf C) /etc/zfsbootmenu/release.conf.d/common.conf In B) and C) that was the only entry in the file, in A) I added it as second entry (line). (For xbps package building for A) I had to make a patch, so the file would not be overridden in the process.) That is the level I was able to think of / "program". But I don't know if dracut would even read / check those changes / additions. The resulting images / EFI files had the same sizes as the previous ones and thus not surprisingly no effect on the font size.