Closed issue by hholst80 on void-packages repository Description: ### Is this a new report? Yes ### System Info Void x86_64 ### Package(s) Affected cowsay ### Does a report exist for this bug with the project's home (upstream) and/or another distro? The upstream repository is archived and contains content that the void maintainers does not want. I assume that Void linux does not promote drug use (smoking crack in a bong pipe is bad, mkay) I think it would be safest for us all if the cowsay package is removed completely. ### Expected behaviour Void package should be safe to use. ### Actual behaviour cowsay should follow suite of all other linux distros and remove bong.cow at a minimum or preferably remove it completely, as it is unmaintained by upstream and void package maintainers seems to fall short of keeping security tight. ### Steps to reproduce 1. install cowsay 2. run `cowsay -f bong 'Kids, drugs are cool!'`