New comment by ahesford on void-packages repository Comment: No, the policy applies to all packages and is described at the end of the [requirements section of our contributor guidelines]( There are rare exceptions, of course. In particular, the Intel video driver is legacy software that is not generally recommended for X11 (the mode setting driver is the recommended approach for Intel hardware). We tolerate a deviation from policy in this case because the legacy may be required for functionality with certain older hardware and backporting critical patches only would become an excessive maintenance burden. In the case of Dracut, it seems we're looking at only a few key patches to maintain functionality. This case is complicated by the fact that some people, including you, maintain write privileges with Dracut but lack the authority to tag releases that we would accept as package updates. If this problem continues indefinitely, we can investigate other alternatives for keeping Dracut up to date. In the meantime, I hope that you and your collaborators can find a way to restore full, active maintenance of the project repository. We appreciate the work you do to advance the state of Dracut and the fact that you remain mindful of the needs of distributions that do not use systemd (and, more generally, do not use it in initramfs images).