New comment by zdykstra on void-packages repository Comment: > > I'm not seeing anything in the linked issue that indicates why releases are stalled. Is there an issue I can follow that tracks that problem? > > This is indeed the key issue here. I think @ahesford 's comment is already a great summary of the situation, but just to add... > > > Currently only Github project admins can tag git commits in this project. The current project admins are documented in the wiki - > > At closer look you would notice that none of the project admins are active, and the remaining active maintainers are not able to make a tagged release. Here is one more pointer of a failed release attempt from July: [dracutdevs/dracut#2444]( > > > If this problem continues indefinitely, we can investigate other alternatives for keeping Dracut up to date. > > I just wanted to get a sense of how much this community is willing to wait for a release for something as critical to the boot process of the system. I think it is reasonable to revisit this issue in e.g. in 2024. Right now, I think Void is pretty comfortable with the version of Dracut that we ship. Our tooling is more-or-less stable, so we aren't having to chase any systemd behavioral changes. We use an older EFI stub for UKI's, so the recent systemd-boot stub change didn't impact us. For my needs (Dracut user, ZFSBootMenu developer), Dracut as it stands is a stable tool that has quirks that are known and can be targeted.