New comment by gstrauss on void-packages repository Comment: @classabbyamp the void linux CI does perform lighttpd `make check`, as I can see from the build logs: ``` => lighttpd-1.4.73_1: running do_check ... ninja: Entering directory `build' [0/1] Running all tests. 1/9 test_configfile OK 0.01s 2/9 test_common OK 0.01s 3/9 test_mod OK 0.01s 4/9 prepare OK 0.01s 5/9 request.t OK 0.26s 6/9 core-condition.t OK 0.09s 7/9 mod-fastcgi.t OK 0.10s 8/9 mod-scgi.t OK 0.08s 9/9 cleanup OK 0.01s ```