New comment by gstrauss on void-packages repository Comment: > [...] test failure is fatal in CI and will block merging of a PR until the cause can be found and fixed [...] @0x5c of course. My responses in this PR are due to @classabbyamp saying >> this PR isn't very useful if it wasn't run-tested at all and wasn't built on void (or do you mean in xbps-src on openwrt?) Do you agree with @classabbyamp? Do you not want encourage submissions to maintain packages? > It is also important to check that things like the services Void ships for packages do in fact continue to work as packaged after the update. @0x5c Can that be added to the CI? If a package includes a service file, there can be an automated test which starts and stops the service. If I spin up a void VM, what is the "manual testing" that you suggest before I say "I tested the changes in this PR: yes" in the PR? (You're trusting people not to lie here. I am at least asking what should be "manually" tested, since I can probably automate it.)