Closed issue by datenwolf on void-packages repository Description: After updating to pipewire-0.3.55_2 `pipewire-pulse` unconditionally sets `chmod("/run/pulse", 0700);` thereby shutting out any PA client not running as `PID == _pipewire`. To mitigate this I changed `/etc/sv/pipewire-pulse/run` to this: ``` #!/bin/sh # this service is experimental and most setups should start pipewire as a user, # for further information, please refer to the handbook if [ -d /run/pulse ] ; then chown 0:_pipewire /run/pulse chmod 1775 /run/pulse else install -m 1775 -g 0 -o _pipewire -d /run/pulse fi umask 002 export PULSE_RUNTIME_PATH=/run/pulse exec chpst -u _pipewire:_pipewire pipewire-pulse ``` Using this runit `run` script things work again; in my case this means I can listen to music with systemwide MPD, while having a simultaneous separate Work-from-Home user session running with WebEx meetings audio *and* OBS running as my main user recording everything (i.e. I *want* the different sessions to share audio!)